
Dante's Inferno Animated is a short animation film that tells Dante Alighieri's journey through the first part of the afterlife, Inferno. It is a compelling four-quadrant film organized circle by circle and narrated in primitive Italian in Dante's own words. Dante is guided by his hero Virgil through each circle of Hell and their subdivisions until they reach the center of the Earth and emerged to the other hemisphere into Purgatory. It features over 50 original color illustrations from the upcoming Dante's Inferno comic book and magazine series, put together in a series of animation clips that will delight a young audience.
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下载地址链接: 点击下载(雨**窝8-454.mkv)
漫画: 桐间纱路 迷宫 一键即玩端 黒神 本地注册 尸者的帝国 寻找见习魔女 金刚葫芦娃 第一部 玛奇玛 配套完美后台 鬼灭之刃:无限列车篇 風眠 國語 饭宝奇兵标签: 但丁 地狱之旅 中英双字 1024 高清 动画 电影
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